Tuesday 3 December 2013

Sai Baba of Shirdi pics

Sai Baba of Shirdi:'s unwavering devotion name

When we are born we are not a race nor a religion. To divide the work we are only human. The social classification of the wall is severely disadvantaged in society. Our saints - saints and social reformers have always emphasized unity in the society.

Sai Baba of Shirdi is a miracle, a divine incarnation, but no one believes him that he does not question it Hindus or Muslims. Shri Sai Baba racial and religious boundaries row up from the face of a pure saint who listen to the calls of the individual soul and the incarnated on earth for their welfare.

"Everybody has a boss," the announcer of Shirdi Sai Baba interview format Almighty God made the whole world. He told a religion of humanity and the title of the wonders which God began to give them. Today, the number of devotees of Sai millions - millions can not be understated. Today is the Feast of Sai Baba's Mahasamadhi. In 1918 the same day he had renounced his body.

 Sai Baba was born September 28, 1836 took place. Although his birthplace, his real name, birthday, or about right - no one knows the right, but an estimated life span of Sai between 1838-1918. PSI was a mystic and spiritual master, who were tied at the boundaries of religion. The fact that his followers had an equal number of Hindus and Muslims. The reverence and restraint Sburi his view - is the essence of philosophy. According to him, No man with an immense patience and a sense of true faith can attain God.

It is said that at the age of sixteen Maharashtra Ahmednagar Shirdi Sai village has arrived and lifelong residence in the same place. Some people believed that Sai was a wonderful divine powers, with which he used to help people. But Sai himself never accept this fact. They used to say that I am the slave of the spirit of love. My compulsion to help all people. The simple truth is that mystic Sai usual fashion lived in. They slept on the ground and used to beg for their living. Says a divine glow in their eyes, which was used to attract people. Sai Baba had the same mission - to build confidence in the people of God.

 In 1918, a few days before Vijayadsmi Sainath his beloved devotee of Ramchandra Tatya Patil Vijayadsmi day predicted mortality. Wayjabai resident of Shirdi Sai Baba It is important to know that the mother and her only son calls his younger brother Tatia considered. In order to avoid the death Tatyaki Sainath her life - decided to donate. September 27, 1918 Sai Baba's body temperature to rise and the food was also abandoned.

Although his body was failing, but the glory of his face was unchanged.

Saibaba correspond to the announcement, October 15, 1918 conquest of the Vijayadsmi - Muhurtt walked off Nijdham violate the physical limit. He thus became Vijayadsmi mahasamadhi gala. This year the date is October 6. Sai is also true that today - experience the presence of Baba's devotees.

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